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  • Yokogawa TC/mV Input Module AAT141 -S53

Yokogawa TC/mV Input Module AAT141 -S53

2016-03-23 11:48:28


Yokogawa TC/mV Input Module AAT141 -S53,Yokogawa Analog I/O modules function as signal converters; by inputting field analog signals into these modules ……

Yokogawa TC/mV Input Module AAT141 -S53,Place of Origin: Indonesia,Yokogawa original packing, by carton

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Yokogawa TC/mV  Input Module AAT141 -S53 



      TC/RTD Input Modules (Isolated) 

     AAT141 These modules receive signals from mV, thermocouple (TC), and RTD. They can be used in dual-redundant 



Number of input channels16, isolated (*7)12, isolated
Input signalTC: JIS C1602:1995, IEC584:1995
Type J, K, E, B(*1), R, S, T, N
mV: -100 to 150 mV, -20 to 80 mV
RTD: JIS C1604:1997, IEC751:1995
Pt100 (3-wire type)(*6)
Switching input signalsTC/mV can be set individually for CH1 to CH16.CH1 to CH12 are RTD inputs.
Allowable input voltage±5 V±5 V
Withstanding voltageBetween input and system: 1500 V AC, for 1 minute
Input resistancePower ON 2 MΩ or larger
Power OFF 2 MΩ or larger
AccuracyTC: ±30 μV
MV: ±80 μV for span (-100 to 150 mV)
±30 μV for span (-20 to 80 mV)
RTD: ±120 mΩ
Allowable total resistance of
signal source plus wiring
1000 Ω or less40 Ω or less (wiring resistance per wire) (*2)
Effect of allowable signal source
resistance (1000 Ω)
±20 μV(*3)
Reference junction compensation
Within ±1 °C (*4) (*5)
Measurement current
RTD: 1 mA
Temperature drift±80 μV/10 °C (-100 to 150 mV input)
±30 μV/10 °C (TC/-20 to 80 mV input
±120 mΩ/10 °C (RTD input)
Data update period1 s
Burn-outAll channels can be set together.
Setting: Not available/available (UP/DOWN)
Detection time: 60 s

Maximum current consumption450 mA (5 V DC)450 mA (5 V DC)
Weight0.2 kg



  Yokogawa TC/mV  Input Module AAT141 -S53 





    Yokogawa TC/mV  Input Module AAT141 -S53   


ModelAAT141TC/mV Input Module (16-channel, Isolated)

-SStandard type
   5With no explosion protection

   EWith explosion protection

      0Basic type

      3With ISA Standard G3 option and temperature (-20 to 70 °C) option

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  Yokogawa TC/mV  Input Module AAT141 -S53